Hittade detta på en engelsk snubbes sida. Jag lovar att det är i stort sett samma frågor man själv får vid tex bensinstationer mm när man är ute och åker... :D
These are the top 7 annoying questions or statements people say to me all the time about my car. Some are only annoying because I've heard them 32767 times, others are either stupid, or trying to make me choose between 2 wrong answers.
#7. Is that a Morgan?
#6. Where is the trunk?
#5. Aluminum? I thought that was stainless steel.
#4. I don't see any bumpers (or airbags or stereo)
#3. Who makes "Lotus"?
#2. I can't believe that it's legal.
And the #1 most annoying question or statement is...
Is that a kit car or is it real?